Sainte-Opportune is a little village located north west of France.
The town of
Sainte-Opportune is located in the department of
Orne of the french region
Basse-Normandie. The town of Sainte-Opportune is located in the township of Briouze part of the district of Argentan. The area code for Sainte-Opportune is 61436 (also known as code INSEE). The zip code of the town of Sainte-Opportune is 61100.
Geography and map of Sainte-Opportune :
The altitude of the city hall of Sainte-Opportune is approximately 249 meters. The surface of Sainte-Opportune is 8.46 km ². The latitude of Sainte-Opportune is 48.743 degrees North and the longitude of Sainte-Opportune is 0.417 degrees West. Nearby cities and towns of Sainte-Opportune are : Durcet (61) at 1.58 km, Les Tourailles (61) at 2.11 km, Craménil(61) at 2.84 km, Landigou (61) at 3.95 km,
La Carneille (61) at 4.49 km,
(The distances to these nearby towns of Sainte-Opportune are calculated as the crow flies)
Population and housing of Sainte-Opportune :
The population of Sainte-Opportune was 198 in 1999, 215 in 2006 and 221 in 2007. The population density of Sainte-Opportune is 26.12 inhabitants per km². The number of
housing of Sainte-Opportune was 120 in 2007. These homes of Sainte-Opportune consist of 87 main residences, 25 second or occasional homes and 9 vacant homes.
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